The Importance of S.M.A.R.T. Goals and How to Write Them!

Have you ever made a goal for yourself that you found hard to stick to?

Or maybe, it was taking longer than expected to achieve, so you just stopped?

I promise you, that is an issue a lot of people have had (including myself!).

Sometimes, it all comes down to how you set your goals or setting multiple smaller goals to get to a larger one.

Goal setting shouldn’t be without a plan!

You should create your goals with a well thought out plan, in order to achieve it!

Therefore, we are going to dive into a specific goal setting theory: SMART Goal Theory.

What is a S.M.A.R.T. Goal?

The word “SMART” in S.M.A.R.T. Goal is an acronym to help you create goals that you can stick to:

S – Specific

  • You want to make sure you are being detailed and know exactly what you are trying to achieve.

M - Measurable

  • Being able to measure your goals is super important to help you keep track of your progress AND keep you motivated along the way.  

A -  Attainable/Achievable

  • Making sure that your goal is realistic and achievable is vital! When we put unrealistic expectations on ourselves, we beat ourselves up when we don’t hit that goal. If we get a goal that isn’t unattainable, we are just setting ourselves up for failure.

    • An example of an unrealistic goal, “I will have my dream physique in 2 months” vs. an attainable goal, “I will work towards my dream physique by losing 5 lbs in 2 months”

R – Relevant

  • Making sure the goal you are setting is relevant to the changes you want to make in your life and your lifestyle is extremely important.  If you have an overall goal to be healthier this year, having a goal to eat vegetables with every meal is relevant.

T – Time Bound

  • Having a goal that is time-bound helps keep you motivated to work toward that deadline. If you say, “My goal is to train to run a 5k”, then you may want to phrase it, “My goal is to train to run a 5k in 3 months”. Putting that time frame on it may help you when you are 2 months in and feeling tired of the training. You are more likely to keep pushing for that extra month to reach your goal than if it was open ended.

    • Calling back to ATTAINABLE goals, often times, our goals become unattainable due to the timeline we put on ourselves. When it comes to achieving goals, it’s better to overestimate the time it takes to get there!


 Put these things together and you have a goal setting plan that is detailed and helps you focus on moving in the right direction!

Why is it Important?

It’s important to follow a detailed plan, when it comes to goal setting because you are much more likely to achieve your goals!

And that’s what it’s all about, right?

You create goals because you want to accomplish something.

A goal without a plan is just a wish, just a thought.

But a goal with a plan brings you one step closer to achieving it!

The Finished Product:

Now, lets look at an example of what putting all of this looks like!
Lets say your goal is to run a marathon:

Regular Goal: “I will run a marathon.”

 S.M.A.R.T. Goal: “I will train 5 days a week to run my first marathon in one year’s time.”

  • Specific: I will train 5 days a week to run a marathon.

  • Measurable: I will use my Apple Watch to track my milage and pace as it increases.

  • Attainable: I’ve run a half-marathon this year, so I have a solid base-fitness level.

  • Relevant: I value my health and wellness, and this goal will help me sustain that.

  • Time-bound: The marathon is a year away, so I need to be ready by then

Writing a goal and making sure it has all these components will set you up for success!

A Step Further

Did you know that writing your goals down, and placing your goals somewhere you’ll see them every day significantly improves your ability to achieve them?!

Let’s take your SMART goals one step further by writing them down!

Check out this video to give a quick recap on what a S.M.A.R.T. goal is and how it works!

So, remember, next time you are setting a goal for yourself, make sure it is Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

For more helpful tips and tricks when it comes to lifestyle, health and fitness, you can follow our social media below!

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If you know you need to make some changes but are unsure where to start and what your specific goals should be, we can help! Reach out to for your free consultation call to discuss your goals.


Alright, now go set some S.M.A.R.T. Goals!

Kaia Clark-Toth

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